Which tools should I code next?
The code:
#polygons to lines def PolygonToLines (inFc, workspace, fcName): outFc = UniqueFileName (workspace, fcName) try: #let esri do it (advanced license) arcpy.FeatureToLine_management (inFc, outFc) return outFc except: pass #no advanced license array = arcpy.Array () sr = arcpy.Describe (inFc).spatialReference outPath, outName = os.path.split (outFc) arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management (outPath, outName, "POLYLINE", spatial_reference = sr) with arcpy.da.InsertCursor (outFc, "SHAPE@") as iCurs: with arcpy.da.SearchCursor (inFc, "SHAPE@") as sCurs: for geom, in sCurs: for i in range (geom.partCount): lastPart = None part = geom.getPart (i) for pnt in part: if not pnt: lastPart = None continue x = pnt.X y = pnt.Y if not lastPart: lastPart = (x, y) continue thisPart = (x, y) lastPoint = arcpy.Point () lastPoint.X = lastPart [0] lastPoint.Y = lastPart [1] thisPoint = arcpy.Point () thisPoint.X = thisPart [0] thisPoint.Y = thisPart [1] array.add (lastPoint) array.add (thisPoint) polyline = arcpy.Polyline (array) array.removeAll () lastPart = thisPart row = (polyline,) iCurs.insertRow (row) del iCurs del sCurs return outFc #feature vertices to points def VerticesToPoints (inFc, workspace, fcName): outFc = UniqueFileName(workspace, fcName) try: #let esri do it (advanced license) arcpy.FeatureVerticesToPoints_management (inFc, outFc) return outFc except: pass #no advanced license sr = arcpy.Describe (inFc).spatialReference outPath, outName = os.path.split (outFc) arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management (outPath, outName, "POINT", spatial_reference = sr) with arcpy.da.InsertCursor (outFc, "SHAPE@") as iCurs: with arcpy.da.SearchCursor (inFc, "SHAPE@") as sCurs: for geom, in sCurs: for i in range (geom.partCount): part = geom.getPart (i) for pnt in part: if not pnt: continue row = (pnt,) iCurs.insertRow (row) del iCurs del sCurs return outFc #generate a unique ArcGIS file name def UniqueFileName(location = "in_memory", name = "file", extension = ""): if extension: outName = os.path.join (location, name + "." + extension) else: outName = os.path.join (location, name) i = 0 while arcpy.Exists (outName): i += 1 if extension: outName = os.path.join (location, "{0}_{1}.{2}".format (name, i, extension)) else: outName = os.path.join (location, "{0}_{1}".format (name, i)) return outName
Awesome Emil! Was very helpful for me.
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot for sharing it!
Hi, I've never used python before and I'm trying to figure stuff out... I was extremely happy to find your code online, but I don't quite know how to use it! Exactly where am I supposed to enter my input and output feature names in your code?
ReplyDeleteHey Alice, feel free to email me at emilharold@gmail.com and we'll figure it out.
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ReplyDeleteHi Emil, a very nice article
ReplyDeleteI want to ask something, how to define local data to run this code?
arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management (outPath,
spatial_reference = sr)
I tried it this way but it did not work.
arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management (C:\SIL\feature vertices_to_POINT.mdb,
spatial_reference = GCS_WGS_1984)
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