Saturday, October 10, 2015

Working Around Oracle's SQL Where Clause 1000 Item Limit with ArcPy

One option for working in an ArcSDE environment is to utilize Oracle databases. Oracle databases has an unfortunate limitation: they only allow for up to 1000 items when an SQL where clause is applied to them. When I create ArcGIS Python scripts, I will oftentimes perform a series of geoprocesses and throw field values (GUIDs perhaps) into a python list for features that meet certain criteria. I'll then want to filter my analyzed feature class by these values by means of a selection or through the creation of a feature layer. Both ArcPy's SelectLayerByAttribute_management and MakeFeatureLayer_management allow for the inclusion of an SQL where clause. In a large feature class, however, the 1000 item limit can be easily breached. To work around this limitation, I created a function that creates a feature layer from a list of values, even if the number of values is greater than 1000. The code first creates a new feature layer, and then performs multiple selections in 1000 item chunks. Once all the desired features have been selected, a final output feature layer is made and returned based on the selected features.

The code:

import arcpy

def LayerFromList (inLyr, inField, inList):

    Returns an arcpy feature layer of the 
     features matching the values in 
     the inList in field inField
    inLyr can be a feature layer or 
     feature class
    inField is the field name in the 
     inLyr used for selection
    inList is a python list of values 
     to match to values in inField of inLyr
    Created to work around 1000 item 
     limit in Oracle database SQL querry

    #convert list to strings
    mapList = map (str, inList)

    #Get Field Type
    fldType = [field.type for field
               in arcpy.ListFields (inLyr)
               if == inField][0]
    #Make temporary feature layer to apply selections to
    tempLyr = "lyr0"
    num = 0
    #Get available layer name
    while arcpy.Exists (tempLyr):
        num += 1
        tempLyr = "lyr" + str (num)
    #Make layer
    arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management (inLyr, tempLyr)

    #features selected counter
    selected = 0
    while True:
        #Get next 1000 rows
        partial = mapList[selected:selected + 1000]
        #Exit while loop if there are no more items in the list
        if not partial:

        #Create the SQL where cluase
        if fldType in ["String", "Guid"]:
            joinStr = "'{0}'".format ("', '".join (partial))
            joinStr = ", ".join (partial)
        sql = "{0} IN ({1})".format (arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters
                                     (tempLyr, inField), joinStr)

        #Add next 1000 rows to selection
        arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management (tempLyr, 
        #Add 1000 to selected varaible
        selected += 1000

    #Make output feature layer
    num += 1
    outLyr = "lyr" + str (num)
    while arcpy.Exists (outLyr):
        num += 1
        outLyr = "lyr" + str (num)
    arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management (tempLyr, outLyr)

    #Delete temporary layer
    arcpy.Delete_management (tempLyr)
    return outLyr
profile for Emil Brundage at Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange, Q&A for cartographers, geographers and GIS professionals

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