Merging various feature classes into a single feature class is a common GIS task, and any GIS newbie knows that ArcGIS has a Merge tool to get the job done. The tool works well, with one small hiccup. If two features classes being merged have fields of the same name but incompatible types (integer and string, say) the tool will fail. This was probably a conscious decision by the developers of ArcGIS, but I would rather have a merge that makes the best choice for a field type when a conflict arises. In the below function, a list of feature classes is merged and fields are evaluated to determine the proper field type for the output feature class. For example, when two feature classes have the same field name but one is text while the other is numeric, the script creates a text field and converts values from the numeric field to text. Date fields that conflict with other field types are converted to strings. Conflicts between double fields and integer fields default to double. The function's
mergeFcs input is a python list of input feature classes. The
outFc input is the full path of the output feature class.
The code:
import arcpy
import os
def Merge (mergeFcs, outFc):
Merge feature classes with field type discrepancies
print "iterating fields to determine field types"
stringFlds = []
lIntFlds = []
floatFlds = []
doubleFlds = []
dateFlds = []
numFcs = len (mergeFcs)
digits = len (str (numFcs))
lenDi = {}
placeDi = {}
fObDi = {}
place = 0
for i, fc in enumerate (mergeFcs, 1):
if i != 1 and not (i - 1) % 10:
print str (i).zfill (digits) + "/" + str (numFcs),
for fld in arcpy.ListFields (fc):
fType = fld.type
fName =
if fType in ("Geometry",
"OID") or fld.required:
fObDi [fName] = fld
if not fName in placeDi.values ():
place += 1
placeDi [place] = fName
if fType == "String":
stringFlds += [fName]
fLength = fld.length
if not fName in lenDi:
lenDi [fName] = fLength
elif fLength > lenDi [fName]:
lenDi [fName] = fLength
elif fType == "Integer":
if fName in dateFlds:
stringFlds += [fName]
fLength = 50
if not fName in lenDi:
lenDi [fName] = fLength
elif fLength > lenDi [fName]:
lenDi [fName] = fLength
lIntFlds += [fName]
elif fType == "Single":
if fName in dateFlds:
stringFlds += [fName]
fLength = 50
if not fName in lenDi:
lenDi [fName] = fLength
elif fLength > lenDi [fName]:
lenDi [fName] = fLength
floatFlds += [fName]
elif fType == "Double":
if fName in dateFlds:
stringFlds += [fName]
fLength = 50
if not fName in lenDi:
lenDi [fName] = fLength
elif fLength > lenDi [fName]:
lenDi [fName] = fLength
doubleFlds += [fName]
elif fType in ("Date", "Blob", "Raster"):
if fName in lIntFlds + floatFlds + doubleFlds:
stringFlds += [fName]
fLength = 50
if not fName in lenDi:
lenDi [fName] = fLength
elif fLength > lenDi [fName]:
lenDi [fName] = fLength
dateFlds += [fName]
stringFlds = set (stringFlds)
lIntFlds = set (lIntFlds)
floatFlds = set (floatFlds)
doubleFlds = set (doubleFlds)
print "creating feature class"
outLoc, outName = os.path.split (outFc)
checkFc = mergeFcs [0]
sr = arcpy.Describe (checkFc).spatialReference
shapeType = arcpy.Describe (checkFc).shapeType.upper ()
arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management (outLoc, outName,
spatial_reference = sr)
lenFlds = str (len (placeDi.keys ()))
digits = len (lenFlds)
print "adding fields"
for i, place in enumerate ((placeDi.keys ()), 1):
if i != 1 and not (i - 1) % 5:
print str (i).zfill (digits) + " of " + lenFlds, "",
fName = placeDi [place]
fld = fObDi [fName]
if fName in stringFlds:
arcpy.AddField_management (outFc, fName, "TEXT",
field_length =
lenDi [fName])
elif fName in floatFlds:
arcpy.AddField_management (outFc, fName, "FLOAT")
elif fName in doubleFlds:
arcpy.AddField_management (outFc, fName, "DOUBLE")
elif fName in lIntFlds:
arcpy.AddField_management (outFc, fName, "LONG")
arcpy.AddField_management (outFc, fName, fld.type)
print "iterating feature classes"
outFlds = ["SHAPE@"] + [ for f in
arcpy.ListFields (outFc)
if f.type not in
("Geometry", "Guid", "OID")]
inputRows = [None] * len (outFlds)
with arcpy.da.InsertCursor (outFc, outFlds) as iCurs:
for i, fc in enumerate (mergeFcs, 1):
print i, numFcs, "copying rows from", os.path.basename (fc)
inFlds = ["SHAPE@"] + [ for f
in arcpy.ListFields (fc)
if in outFlds]
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor (fc, inFlds) as sCurs:
for inRow in sCurs:
row = list (inputRows)
for n, fld in enumerate (inFlds):
if inRow [n]:
if fld in stringFlds:
try: row [outFlds.index
(fld)] = str (inRow [n])
except: row [outFlds.index
(fld)] = inRow [n]
row [outFlds.index
(fld)] = inRow [n]
row [0] = inRow [0]
iCurs.insertRow (row)
return outFc